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Board of Health April 2021 Minutes



Minutes Via Zoom Meeting

April 26, 2021

Those in attendance:

Members:      T. Dawdy                                Others:           S. Eifert, Administrator

                        W. Ahern                                                        S. Hediger, Administrative Assistant

                        M. McCullough                                              M. Zeeb, Director of Finance

                        A. Oestreich                                                   

                        M. Bleyer                                                       

                        T. Hall                                                

                        R. Nehrt                                                                     

                        E. Korte

                        D. Lippert

                        J. Kirkham

                        W. Pourchot

Members Absent:                 

T. Dawdy called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes of March 22, 2021

T. Dawdy asked for a motion to accept the minutes as submitted.  M. Bleyer moved to accept the March 22, 2021 minutes as submitted. J. Kirkham seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Administrator’s Report/Financial Report

S. Eifert stated we are continuing to conduct vaccination clinics however, we are having vaccine hesitancy, making it difficult to fill them.  We are working to encourage individuals to get the vaccine.  We have sent out postcards to every Bond County address to help with misconception of the vaccine as well as making sure everyone knows how to get the vaccine.  We have had some phone calls based upon these cards.  We are currently in the grant writing process of getting the grants written and submitted by July 1.  S. Eifert stated he is also working on budget adjustments for FY21 grants to fully expend them.  Today our Home Health/Hospice co-director resigned as of May 13.  He had been furloughed from HSHS and has been hired back to his position.  S. Eifert stated for the month of March, we ended with a cash balance of $1,035,681.03.  Fund 07 had a loss of $16,175.93, Fund 08 had a loss of $7,428.50, and Fund 09 had a gain of $45,399.80.  Hospice continues to perform very well and billed $127,664 for the month.  S. Eifert stated the budget and status report has been included in the packet to meet the requirements of the auditor.  T. Dawdy asked for a motion to approve the financial report as submitted.  W. Ahern moved to accept the financial report as submitted.  D. Lippert seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Old Business

Covid-19 update

S Eifert stated as of today IDPH showed 9,119 vaccines have been administered in Bond County, and 4,301 have been fully vaccinated.  This is 25.86% of the population.  We have had 7 new cases in the past 5 days, with a total to date of 2,162 positives, and 65,219 total tests.

HVAC System

S. Eifert asked to table this until the next meeting.

New Business

IPLAN update

S. Eifert stated Barb shared an updated as of today.  She is continuing to work with HSHS through this process and during mid-April community members were able to participate in a survey. There will be a more detailed report ready for May’s meeting and will require approval.  S. Eifert stated once this is approved, he will submit it to the state.  This will give the state several months for any questions or revisions.

Finance Committee Report

A. Oestreich stated the finance committee met on March 25 and April 12.  There were discussions on the difficulty of uncollectable debt and our past audit findings.  There has been challenges in the past on what is to be written off.  The Dental clinic had significant challenges in 2019 and it was difficult for them to examine missing records.  Even though there’s a policy for 30, 60, and 90 day past due accounts, it didn’t seem consistent with all the departments.  It’s important to show the auditor the amounts are consistent with the amounts being wrote off.  The board approved the motion made by the finance committee to write off these uncollectable debt amounts:

Immunizations:  $570.08

Home Health:  $9,864.96

Mental Health:  $52,678.78

Dental:  $23,808 


To meet the requirements of the auditor for the board of health to regularly review bills, the board received the ledger report with the details of payments to vendors.  T. Dawdy asked for a motion to receive and file the invoices.  W. Pourchot moved to receive and file the invoices.  W. Ahern seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Executive Session

W. Ahern made a motion to move into executive session at 7:54 p.m. for the purpose of personnel matters.  J. Kirkham seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

A.Oestreich made a motion to return to regular session at 8:37 p.m. W. Pourchot seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

J. Kirkham stated the administrator’s performance appraisal was reviewed and discussed and the entire board of health would like to commend Sean on all of his quality work he has done this past year.

Next Meeting
The next board of health meeting is scheduled for April 26 at 6:30 p.m.


At 8:42 p.m. W. Pourchot made a motion to adjourn the meeting. W. Ahern seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

T. Hall, DO


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