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Board of Health January 2021 Meeting Minutes



Minutes Via Zoom Meeting

February 1, 2021

Those in attendance:

Members:       T. Dawdy                                Others:           S. Eifert, Administrator

                        W. Ahern                                                        S. Hediger, Administrative Assistant

                        D. Lippert                                                       M. Zeeb, Director of Finance

                        A. Oestreich                                                    S. Stilt, Greenville Advocate

                        M. Bleyer                                                                               

                        J. Kirkham                                                                  

                        M. McCullough

                        R. Nehrt
                        T. Hall

Members Absent:                 

                        W. Pourchot

T. Dawdy called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m.

Minutes of November 23, 2020

T. Dawdy asked for a motion to accept the minutes with corrections.  J. Kirkham moved to accept the November 23, 2020 minutes with corrections.  R. Nehrt seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Administrator’s Report/Financial Report

S. Eifert stated as of today Bond County has a total of 1948 positive Covid-19 cases.  The current status is 2 new cases since Friday and 20 deaths. There has been a total of 36,674 tested.  S. Eifert stated our contract with Clinton County ended on Jan.31, 2021.  Our environmental health director was hired as the new Clinton County administrator.  Mikayla Flemming was a past intern here from SIUE a couple years ago, and went on to work at the Peoria County Health Department as a sanitarian. She has been hired on as our new environmental director and will work under the supervision of C. Leidel an hour or two a week.  A total of 268 people has been fully vaccinated in the county which is 1.61% of the population.  We have an online mechanism available so people can sign up for the vaccine.  Currently 814 have utilized the online mechanism, and 1500 people have called and signed up.  We received 500 doses of the Moderna Vaccine on Friday and requested an additional 500 more doses that we should receive Tuesday or Wednesday.  HSHS has agreed to assist us in administering the vaccines.  We are on target to receive an additional $50,000 for the mass vaccination grant.  Once this is approved, we will receive 100% of the payment.  The contact tracing grant is likely to be extended to the end of the year.   S. Eifert stated for the month of December, we ended with an overall balance of $707,077.44.  Today we received a check in the amount of $182,233.94 for contact tracing.  The Cure request has been approved, and we will hopefully receive $56,884.97.  The Cure reimbursed us $20,000 for the road, and an additional $13,000 allotted for the building. We continue to struggle in Home Health with the reimbursement process.  We are focusing on making sure all the reports and paperwork are done in a timely manner.  Barb Strieker was hired to help with the IPlAN process and also to assist in Home Health/Hospice quality assurance compliance.  Barb worked for HSHS for a number of years.  She has a strong skillset and can help assist Brian & Ryan.  The Dental clinic has struggled due to the increase of overhead costs from the new measures that are needed to be taken.  Patient need is still there, and the Medicaid rates have increased.  T. Dawdy asked for a motion to approve the administrator/financial report as submitted.  D. Lippert moved to accept the administrator/financial report as submitted. W. Ahern seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Old Business

New Business

Next Meeting
The next board of health meeting is scheduled for February 22 at 6:30 p.m.


At 7:48 p.m. M. McCullough made a motion to adjourn the meeting. J. Kirkham seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

T. Hall, DO


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