October 2019 Board Meeting Minutes



Minutes of Meeting

October 28, 2019

Those physically in attendance:

Members:       T. Dawdy                                Others:           S. Eifert, Administrator

                        W. Ahern                                                        S. Hediger, Administrative Assistant

                        R. Nehrt                                                         

                        H. Elmore                                                       

                        M. Bleyer                                                       

                        K. Plage

                        J. Kirkham

                        T. Hall

Members Absent:

                        D. Lippert
                        A. Oestreich

                        M. McCullough

T. Dawdy called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

Minutes of September 23, 2019

T. Dawdy asked for a motion to accept the minutes with corrections. J. Kirkham moved to accept the September 23, 2019 minutes with corrections.  R. Nehrt seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Administrator’s Report

S. Eifert stated our additional shipment of flu shots we received today has already been exhausted.  We continue to have a waiting list.  Brian Goodiel started today in Home Health & Hospice in the previously vacant position Jamie was covering.   We have another contractual Dentist that starts this Wednesday.  He currently works at Murray Center and Affordable Dental in Centralia.  We will have two Dentists on Wednesday and one on Saturday. 

Approval of September Financial Reports

S. Eifert stated that September ended with a cash balance of $720,375.  We received two tax disbursements which helped inflate the numbers.  S. Eifert stated he anticipates October won’t be a good cash month as it three payrolls.  We probably won’t see the Comprehensive Health Protection Grant money until November.  We had good revenue in Home Health with over $100,000.  We are projecting a surplus in Mental Health next year.  T. Dawdy asked for a motion to approve the September financial reports with corrections.  W. Ahern moved to accept the September financial reports with corrections.  M. Bleyer seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Approval of September Activity Reports

S. Eifert stated Chris Leidel passed his test and has his license.  Dr Buerk is now in the system and we are able to bill.  S. Eifert stated he continues to go to Clinton County and it’s working out well.  The Board of Health in Clinton County will meet in November and discuss extending the agreement.  T. Dawdy asked for a motion to approve the September 2019 activity reports. T. Hall moved to accept the September 2019 activity reports as presented. K. Plage seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Old Business

New Business

HSHS Holy Family Labs

S. Eifert stated he met with Kelly Seger from HSHS Holy Family Hospital and discussed using their lab courier.  Their prices were higher than Quest who we currently use. They came back and said they would match Quest and pick up two times a day.  T. Dawdy asked for a motion to approve letting the administrator gather more information on HSHS Holy Family Hospital Labs and approving the agreement between the Health Department and HSHS Holy Family Hospital.  M. Bleyer moved to approve letting the administrator gather more information on HSHS Holy Family Hospital Labs and approving the agreement between the Health Department and HSHS Holy Family Hospital.  W. Ahern seconded the motion, which passed with T. Hall abstaining. 

Executive Session

J. Kirkham made a motion to move into executive session at 7:41 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing previous closed minutes.  W. Ahern seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

W. Ahern made a motion to return to regular session at 8:01 p.m. J. Kirkham seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Recommendation from Closed Session
The Board of Health reviewed the closed minutes of 2018 and recommends opening all minutes of 2018 with the exception of March 26, 2018.  T .Dawdy asked for a motion to accept this recommendation.  M. Bleyer moved to accept this recommendation.  R. Nehrt seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Next Meeting
The next meeting of the board of health meeting is scheduled for November 25 at 6:30 p.m.


At 8:02 p.m. H. Elmore made a motion to adjourn the meeting. R. Nehrt seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

T. Hall, DO


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