Minutes of Meeting
March 25, 2019
Those physically in attendance:
Members: T. Dawdy Others: S. Eifert, Administrator
W. Ahern S. Hediger, Administrative Assistant
R. Nehrt M. Marti, Director of Finance
H. Elmore J. Derrick, Home Health Director
D. Lippert M. Miller, Hospice Director
M. Bleyer
J. Kirkham
M. McCullough
Members Absent:
T. Hall
D. Korte
A. Oestreich
T. Dawdy called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
Minutes of February 25, 2019
T. Dawdy asked for a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. M. Bleyer moved to accept the February 25, 2019 minutes as submitted. J. Kirkham seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Home Health and Hospice Professional Advisory Committee Reports
J. Derrick, presented the Home Health Program Annual Evaluation and Overview activity to the Board. J. Derrick stated Home Health billed over 1,000,000 and received $858,000 for the year. Home Health continues to be very busy with 79 as the current census. J. Derrick stated that 70% of the patients have Medicare which is our best pay source. We continue to give complementary blood pressures at Emerald Point, Glenwood, and Hitz Memorial Home in New Douglas. We continue to see patients from all 5 counties, with the biggest percent coming from Bond County. Several types of Quality assessments are used which include a physician survey and the mandated HHCAHPS (Home Health Care Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems). Complete factors are provided in detail with the annual report
M. Miller presented the Hospice Annual Review and Evaluation to the Board. M. Miller stated Hospice had 68 total patients this past year, with 46 of them from Bond County. Hospice census is currently 11. M. Miller stated the average length of stay needs to be looked at. We need to get patients on Hospice sooner than later so they receive all the benefits. There were 5 non-death discharges due to no longer being qualified.
The satisfaction surveys had no negative comments. 100% of the surveys returned stated they would use our services again in the future, along with laudatory comments like “Excellent in every way,” “Awesome care from amazing staff!! Complete factors are provided in detail with the annual report.
Administrator’s Report
Administrator Sean Eifert reported to the board that CARF has completed the accreditation review. S. Eifert gave a brief summary of the findings and stated they will be sending a report in 6-8 weeks. After many phone calls, emails, we have managed to get our audit due date extended to July 30 for GATA. This should eliminate the potential for any stop payments.
Approval of February Activity Reports
S. Eifert stated the activity reports will reflect the clients and numbers. There have been 124 Influenza A and 3 influenza B cases reported so far this season. T. Dawdy asked for a motion to approve the February 2019 activity reports. D. Lippert moved to approve the February 2019 activity reports as submitted. H. Elmore seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Approval of February Financial Reports
For the month of February, the numbers were not encouraging. However, we finally received our Local Health Protection Grant and a significant amount of Medicaid for Dental. The current cash balance as of February 28, 2019 is $575,940. T. Dawdy asked for a motion to approve the February Financial Reports. W. Ahern moved to approve the February financial reports as submitted. J. Kirkham seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
New Business
TB Protocol
S. Eifert stated he called the State and checked with other Health Departments regarding their recommendations. Recommendation was made that the results come back to our Medical Director. If there is a positive result, our Medical Director has a standing order to refer patients to the hospital for a chest X-ray and then they would be referred to a primary care physician. T. Dawdy asked for a motion to approve the TB Protocol. J. Kirkham made a motion to approve the TB Protocol
Executive Session
W. Ahern made a motion to move into executive session at 8:09 p.m. for the purpose of personnel matters. M. Bleyer seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
W. Ahern made a motion to return to regular session at 8:30 p.m. D. Lippert seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the board of health is scheduled for April 22 at 6:30 p.m.
W. Ahern made a motion to adjourn the meeting. J. Kirkham seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
T. Hall, D.O.