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Bond County Health Dept

February 2019 Board Meeting Minutes



Minutes of Meeting

February 25, 2019

Those physically in attendance:

Members:       T. Dawdy                                Others:           S. Eifert, Administrator

                        A. Oestreich                                                    M. Marti, Director of Finance

                        R. Nehrt                                                         

                        H. Elmore

                        T. Hall

                        M. Bleyer

                        J. Kirkham

                        W. Ahern

                        M. McCullough

Members Absent:

                        D. Lippert

                        D. Korte

T. Dawdy called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.

Minutes of January 28, 2019

T. Dawdy asked for a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. J. Kirkham moved to accept the January 28, 2019 minutes as submitted. A. Oestreich seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Administrator’s Report

Administrator Sean Eifert reported to the board that the health department recently received a 2 year maternal and child health certification for its Family Planning and High Risk Infant Follow-up Programs which serve pregnant women, and families with infants and young children, helping to obtain health care and other assistance. Eifert also reminded the board of the Bond County Employee Health Fair this Thursday, February 28 from 7 am to 1 pm. Bond County employees covered through Core Source can receive a number of blood tests and other preventative screenings. To date, the department has received reports of 72 Influenza A cases and 1 Influenza B.

Approval of January Activity Reports

J. Kirkham moved to accept the January activity reports as presented. W. Ahern seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Approval of January Financial Reports

For the month of January, the department gained $47,546.30. Eifert noted the health department’s cash position has remained steady for the past 9 months, indicating initiatives to increase revenue and reduce expenses seem to be having a positive impact. The current cash balance as of January 31, 2019 is $655,406. M. Bleyer made a motion to accept the January financial reports. W. Ahern seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

New Business

Cash Receipts Policy

Eifert presented the board with a new cash receipts policy. He explained the policy was developed with the finance committee of the board as well as department heads, in order to tighten internal controls. W. Ahern made a motion to adopt the cash receipts policy as presented. A. Oestreich seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Policies and Procedures Annual Review

The board conducted its annual review of policies and procedures and discussed converting these to electronic format. A. Oestreich made a motion to maintain the policies and procedures as they are currently written. J. Kirkham seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Executive Session

H. Elmore made a motion to move into executive session at 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of personnel matters. W. Ahern seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

A. Oestreich mad a motion to return to regular session at 8:40 p.m. M. McCullough seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the board of health is scheduled for March 25 at 6:30 p.m.


W. Ahern made a motion to adjourn the meeting. J. Kirkham seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

T. Hall, DO


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